Children of Men is highly acclaimed scifi dystopian film directed by Alfonso Cuaron. The film explores a world in which humans can no longer reproduce. In this world, a former activist, Theo (Clive Owen), must help transport a miraculously pregnant woman, to a scientific facility so she can be studied and hopefully and end can be put to the worldwide infertility. One of the most moving scenes to me was near the beginning of the film. In the scene, Theo walks into a very crowded small cafe. All of the cafes customers are visibly upset and fixated on the one tv that is in it which is broadcasting about the death of the youngest person still alive on earth. This person, Diego, was killed in a brawl after spitting in the face of a fan who asked for an autograph. The fan was killed by the angry crowd afterwards. While watching this, Theo makes his way to the front of the shop to buy a cup of coffee once he does this. He then walks outside and starts to put cream and sugar into his coffee at a random stand near the cafe. While doing this, the cafe explodes, Theo drops his coffee and runs, survivors from the blast stumble out screaming and crying. People are also lown into the street by the impact and cars are stop in their tracks on the nearby street.
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