Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog Assignment #4: Like a Shooting Script, but for an Essay

Our first essay topic asks us to compare and distinguish between two very different styles of film theory, the Formalist Approach and the Ideological Approach. We then must explain which approach we think is the most effective for studying film and why. To do this, we will use a number of outside sources and one of the films that we have screened in class.

(1)    Main Argument:  While the Formalist and Ideological approaches to Film Theory are different in a number of significant ways, they are both important aspects of Film Theory that can be used to adequately analyze and study films. However, I believe that the Formalist Approach is the more effective of the two.
(2)    Claim #1: (Background (Credibility)): In-depth explanations of both Formalist and Ideological Approaches. The Formalist Approach to film focuses on the analysis of formal structures within a film. It also pays special attention to motifs or patterns that may occur multiple times throughout a film. Most importantly, it doesn’t analyze of emphasize anything that is outside of the film’s proper. On the other hand, the Ideological Film Approach places an emphasis on the many themes and messages in a film as interpreted though our individual values and beliefs.  Support: Articles by Perkins , wood, Eisenstein, mulvey, film history text.
(3)    Claim #2: The Formalist approach to film analysis is the more effective of the two. It focuses more on the importance of what is within the film and the choices that were made during it’s production. Ideological film Theory on the other hand necessitates that one must use their pre conceived values and beliefs while analyzing a film which can lead to extreme bias and thus invalidate their analysis.  Support: I will find articles (probably from the MOVIE) criticizing Ideological film Theory.
(4)    Claim #3: Will analyze Psycho from the Formalist perspective. Looking at many of the motifs throughout the film as well as the mise en scene. Will also address many of Hitchcock’s deliberate decisions that changed the film.  Support: Psycho, Robin Woods article.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! I especially like your idea to find articles that discredit the Ideological approach. Try this website:
    It is the current (onine) version of Movie.
