Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Hurt Locker

Kathryn Bigelow 's The Hurt Locker (2008) is one of the most successful war movies of recent memory. Within the film, many ideas are explored about war, death, and violence.

Notably, the very opening title in which the Chris Hedges quote, "The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction , for war is a drug." fades out to just the words "war is a drug. Is extremely telling about the overall point of the film and how war is portrayed throughout.

One of the most jarring deaths shown in the film is that of Sargent Matt Thomson. Through the juxtaposition of quiet and deafening sound, as well as shaky, steady, and slow motion camera shots, Bigelow portrays death as both beautiful and sickening. 

I also think war is shown in the film to be a spectacle. In many parts throughout the film, while the main characters were in a squad and interacting or carrying out missions, foreign outsiders would stare and watch them no matter where they were. The camera would often show quick cuts of many different people or groups of people watching the american soliders.

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