Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hugo (2011) - Martin Scorsese Screening Notes

Here are three moments or things that stuck out to me in the film:

1)       1) The clock/time motif. Clocks are used as a major symbol throughout the film. Hugo learned from his father how to fix/maintain clocks and has been doing so ever since after his death. Since this film also deals a lot with film history, this motif can also be a metaphor for the history of film and how important it is to remember the founding of cinema.
A     2)  After learning about cinephilia, it was very interesting to see Scorsese display such cinephilic tendencies in this film. He is one of the most knowledgeable film directors still working today and it was great seeing his love of film displayed on the screen through various allusions, references, and props. This has been picked up by many leading some to call Hugo, “Scorsese’s love-letter to cinema.
        3) The film effectively used 3D that was seen as effective by most critics. Yet, while being considered one of the most advanced/modern films of recent times it still harkens back to classic films and film history. In this way, Scorsese is reminding us that while it is important to move forward in film through the use of new technology and innovations, it is always important to remember its beginnings and not lose site of the innate magic of the cinema.

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